Latched AF

April 18th @ 1 pm EST

The one-hour workshop to make latching easier and more comfortable for you and baby. 
Register Now

you've read all the blogs, followed all the IG accounts, and relentlessly tried shoving your boob in your baby's mouth at warp speed 🤦…..and it's not freaking working.

 I see you, mama! and I can help!  There are simple ways to make it easier. 

If you want to learn how to get the 🙌 best latch, 🙅 eliminate pain, and 🚀  feel confident latching then Latched AF is for you.

Latching is a learned skill.

Sidestep all the noise of the internet and come hang out with me for an hour of teaching, coaching, and Q&A.

I've spent decades helping moms learn to breastfeed with comfort & confidence and I want to help you get the essential foundation you need for a successful breastfeeding journey.

Whether you're pregnant and preparing (props to you!) or you're postpartum and in pain (I see you!) -- I can help you get that baby Latched AF!

No more wondering if you need to do something differently. No more desperate google searches and unhelpful tips. No more pain or tension from poor positioning.

There is a better way. And I’m here to show it you.

Ready to get LATCHED AF?

TL;DR --

This one-hour workshop will save your nipples from pain, your body from stress, and your baby from frustration.You can learn how to get a great latch.

Let me show you how.

The Reviews Are In

Hear what real moms are saying about Latched AF!

I was ready to toss in the towel (not really!! I was just going to keep feeding the baby while dying inside), but your class changed my BF game... I have now fed twice in the reclined position and my baby has taken full control of his latch and I could cry from NOT feeling any pain!!
This workshop was so helpful! When my baby woke up, we did reclined feeding for the first time. I opened up my checklist – she latched on perfectly and it was the first time I’ve had no nipple pain!
Latched AF should be hospital basics 101!!! This would have saved me a month ago!
This workshop had me screaming YES like every 2 min! I felt like you were talking directly to me about all of my issues. It was so good and I’m so lucky  to have found you.